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Life skill workshops 


Jeevan vidhya 


A Jeevan Vidya workshop is an intensive 40-hour learning experience that seeks to bring one’s attention to neglected and subtle facets of life; issues related to interpersonal relations, education, society, environment, aspirations, success are discussed and participants are provided critical tools to help them explore the rich web of connections between seemingly disparate aspects of life. There is no sermonizing; the facilitator presents sets of proposals, and helps participants bring their attention to bear on the inner workings of their thoughts, fears and aspirations. Gradually one begins to interrogate hidden assumptions and get a sharper, clearer view of the whole intricate fabric of life; one begins to see new possibilities for positive human action. The idea is to trigger an empowering, self-critical inner dialogue that begins with the workshop, but doesn’t end with it. 

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Non violent communication  


Nonviolent Communication, also called Compassionate Communication or Collaborative Communication is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg beginning in the 1960s. NVC often functions as a conflict resolution process. It focuses on three aspects of communication: self-empathy (defined as a deep and compassionate awareness of one's own inner experience), empathy (defined as listening to another with deep compassion), and honest self-expression (defined as expressing oneself authentically in a way that is likely to inspire compassion in others).

NVC is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to violence or behavior that harms others when they don't recognize more effective strategies for meeting needs. Habits of thinking and speaking that lead to the use of violence (psychological and physical) are learned through culture. NVC theory supposes all human behavior stems from attempts to meet universal human needs and that these needs are never in conflict. Rather, conflict arises when strategies for meeting needs clash. NVC proposes that if people can identify their needs, the needs of others, and the feelings that surround these needs, harmony can be achieved.

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Art of hosting 


The Art of Hosting is a highly effective way of harnessing the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups of any size.  Based on the assumption that people give their energy and lend their resources to what matters most to them – in work as in life – the Art of Hosting blends a suite of powerful conversational processes to invite people to step in and take charge of the challenges facing them.

Groups and organizations using the Art of Hosting as a working practice report better decision-making, more efficient and effective capacity building and greater ability to quickly respond to opportunity, challenge and change. People who experience the Art of Hosting typically say that they walk away feeling more empowered and able to help guide the meetings and conversations they are part of move towards more effective and desirable outcomes.


for more info. Visit  -



Sun gazing and self healing workshop 


The workshop focuses on  helping humanity to develop a better understanding of how the sun can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit. Sungazing, has claimed better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

This is a straight-forward yet effective method based on solar energy, which enables one to harmonize and recharge the body with life energy and also invoke the unlimited powers of the mind very easily. Additionally, it allows one to easily liberate from threefold sufferings of humanity such as mental illnesses, physical illnesses and spiritual ignorance.  


more info. At -



Tree of life


The Tree of Life is an approach developed by Ncazelo Ncube (Zimbabwe/South Africa) and David Denborough (Dulwich Centre Foundation). It was developed as a tool for working with children, and the approach is now being applied in work with children and adults across a range of settings.

It is fun and easy to use and yet at the same time enables people to speak about losses in their lives in ways that make them stronger.

This approach is based on narrative therapy ways of working and is suitable for use in schools, private practice, hospitals and community and family settings. It can be useful for groups and individuals whether they be children, parents or grandparents. This workshop introduces participants to some of the key ideas and give them an opportunity to walk through the process so that they are fully equipped to put it into practice in their own contexts.




Self managing leadership  

(by Frederic Labarthe, SML facilitator and founder of the UNESCO Centre for International Education)


Leadership, like everything else in life, has two dimensions: the external and the internal. The external or interpersonal dimension of leadership relates to the actual business of making things happen, managing relationships and day to day activities. The internal or intrapersonal dimension is about personal attitude, beliefs, emotions and habits. Leader, like every other human beings, have to deal with their teams, with their people and with uncontrollable, ever changing, external conditions – and they have to deal with themselves.




Making sense of paradoxes 

(by RAVI GULATI a social activist )


Making Sense of Life's Paradoxes* - Life is strange. There's a paradox

staring us in the face no matter where we turn. It gives us freedom, and

asks for self-restraint. We are bundles of desires, not just for things -

to want a beautiful, caring world is also a desire - and yet what is often

asked of us is self-denial. There's selfishness and selflessness, and

selfishness in our selflessness. We are forced to pursue money to live, but

we are most alive when we pursue our passion regardless of how much we

make. We know it's good to be self-aware, and cross the thin line to

self-obsession. There's no easy way out of these mutually contradictory

concepts. So how do we at least make better sense of these paradoxes, and

live lives a little less confused.


more info at - 




Introduction to pranic healing 


Pranic Healing is an ancient science and art that has been adapted and systematized by the founder of modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It has been used to heal countless people through the ages. The principle is simple. We know that every living being possesses the inborn ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing simply enhances this healing process by utilizing the energy of life. This energy is called 'Prana' (life-force) in Sanskrit.

For those who are on a quest for spirituality, Pranic Healing can help too. Pranic Healing goes beyond just mental or physical or even emotional healing. It provides the right training and scope for those who are interested in spiritual practises, and offers a structured platform for achieving illumination through soul-realisation and later, God-realisation.


more info. At - 



Presentation and communication skills 

(by Rajagopalan shree kumar )


workshop focused on multi sense communication using all 5 senses along with focus on recency, appeal, motivation, primacy, feedback, active listening and exercises. Also introduction to aromatic therapies and other sensory communication levels.  

More info at. - 


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